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What's New?

From the BULLETIN of the Arkansas C.C.C. Issue Number 5, March 1995


The next meeting of the Arkansas C.C.C. will be held on Saturday, April 1st, at 1:00 P.M. in the University Mall Community Room. University Mall is located near the southwest corner of the intersection of University Avenue and West Markham. The Community Room is in the basement of the mall.

The meeting will begin at 1:00 to give everyone time to eat lunch first. For those who wish to eat immediately before the meeting, there is a cafeteria in the mall.

Anyone receiving this copy of the BULLETIN is welcome to attend the meeting.

The featured speaker at this meeting will be DR. ROBERT A. DEMARAIS, from Russellville, Arkansas. Dr. DeMarais holds the Ph.D degree in business administration from the University of Oklahoma. He is a professor of marketing. Prior to entering academe, Dr. DeMarais worked as a mining engineer in the petroleum industry. Hence, he brings to his studies of the topic of race and crime that mastery of quantitative methods and respect for unvarnished facts which is the hallmark of the engineering profession.

The title of Dr. DeMarais's talk will be "Race and Crime in the U.S., Arkansas, and Little Rock."

Since we have the meeting room until 5:00 P.M., there should be plenty of time for everyone to ask questions and join in the discussion of this important topic.

MR. GRANT NORDMARK will present the "National European-American Society."What we call ourselves and what we are called by the government may be all-important. The N.E.S. proposes that American whites refer to themselves as European Americans and organize themselves politically.

We also hope to have a report from one of our members regarding the C.C.C.-S.L.-S.C.V. rally held in the Guthrie, Tennessee, area on March 4th. The occasion for this meeting was the Westerman Murder.

Michael D. Westerman, 19, of Elkton, Kentucky, was a graduate of Todd High School, which had "The Rebels" as the name of its athletic team. Because of this, Mr. Westerman's pickup truck displayed a Confederate flag. When Mr. Westerman and his wife Hannah, also 19, who recently gave birth to twins, drove down the Tennessee highway near Guthrie, they were accosted, then pursued, by a group of African American teenagers, at least four in number, who followed them in two cars. One of the pursuing black teenagers fired a gunshot which killed Mr. Westerman. Mrs. Westerman herself barely managed to escape with her life.

Newspapers have reported that the Confederate flag was somehow the cause of this murder. However, it is the four black teenagers, not the Confederate flag, who will face trail as adults in this case. Although the Westermans were pursued across state lines in what would seem to be a "hate crime," the F.B.I. has shown no interest in investigating the case. The F.B.I. has been called in, however, to investigate a cross burning incident which followed the Westerman murder.

Had the races been reversed in this case, the four defendants would have been charged with violating the civil rights of the Westermans. Moreover, the mass media would have given extension attention to the case. Doubtless, a feature-length movie for television would have riveted the attention of millions of mesmerized television addicts.--Ed.