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From THE ARKANSAS EUROPEAN-AMERICAN: Bulletin of the Arkansas Council of Conservative Citizens, Issue Number 18, July 1997, Page 7

A Prayer for National Redemption


Almighty God, our Maker and Redeemer, we humbly come to You in the fear that our great nation is in serious trouble. We seek thy help.

Father, we fear that the Christian principles on which this nation was founded have been abandoned to the forces of evil. After having been bountifully blessed by Divine Providence for over two centuries, it looks as though our people have become obsessed with materialism and self-gratification.

Father, we view with alarm the widespread use of drugs, the high incidence of teen pregnancies and suicides, the lust and greed of the purveyors of illicit sex, filth on television and on the book shelves and magazines racks, and the crime and disrespect for all that is good and decent in our society. We are concerned about the turn that has taken place in our public schools, the indoctrination and brainwashing of our young people. And, finally, but most important, we fear the vicious onslaught, the hate-filled attacks by those who are determined to erase Christianity from the face of the earth. Father, we need a stern rebuke from You, to awaken our people to the dangers that lie ahead.

We pray, Father, that you will somehow touch the hearts of our people, and cause them to rise up and repel the forces that have propelled this nation into a rapid free fall to its own destruction.

And Father, we pray for those evil forces, even as they seek to destroy us. And Father, we pray that our leaders will take the necessary steps to bring about a national re-birth, putting this nation back in its rightful place as a nation under God, dedicated to the proposition that only sovereign over man is Almighty God.

We offer this prayer in the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.