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(The following contents are close to the speech delivered by Michael Clayton at the "A Rally of Viewpoints" Conference on December 3, 1994 in Little Rock, Arkansas. The national organization of the Populist Party of American no longer exists.)

I am here today to bore you to sleep. I notice that the last time I gave this speech a few people managed to stay awake. They were, almost, asleep, but in my book, almost, just doesn't cut it.

Oh, my secondary mission is to talk to you about regaining America via the Populist Party of America. I will begin by giving a brief overview of the problems that America faces today. For I believe that to deal with a problem, you must first identify it.

The first thing for us to remember about the America people is that the American People are a strong people, a strong nation with a common folly-the government! We are a people who must regain our nation from the cesspool of corruption and immorality where it has been lead by the establishment, the machine that runs the government from the shadows.

As officials of the government aloud thieves and murders to rule our streets and make our jobs flee our borders, our people, especially, the middle class, hurt and cry out, but the government does not hear them, and when word does, finally, reach the government officials, they do not try to solve the problems. Instead, they blame the people for the problems that the government created. The government says that the people are being insensate to the aliens, who take the middle class's jobs, or the criminals including government officials.

So, while law abiding citizens walk down the streets in constant fear, the government tries to make criminals as safe as possible. They want to take the guns away from law abiding citizens so that they can't hinder criminals or defend themselves from either criminals or the government. And if a citizen or the police hinders a criminal, the criminal is likely to sue for violation of their "Civil Rights", and the prosecutor is likely to prosecute the victim or the police if it is "politically correct" to do so. And the innocent have no rights for they have no incriminating evidence to suppress. Remember, when you give a right to one person you take it away from another person. The word "Due Process" has far too often come to mean that the lawyers get paid. What we need are laws to protect the law abiding citizens and police from criminals, not the other way around.

Now, since we are talking about criminals, We might as well talk about "free trade". With the passage of NAFTA last year and the battle for GATT now lost, we have a government that believes that the best trade policy for the United States is to export capital and jobs and to import aliens and goods. The U.S. Government even pays companies to leave our country. Can't you just see these liberal elites standing at the border handing out money, saying, "Get those dirty old jobs out of this country." And that maybe part of the problem, the liberal elites see manufacturing jobs and the people who hold them, the middle class as dirty and as a threat to their "New World Order."

Of course, as these factories leave for parts of the world other than places where Europeans or north Asian peoples live, the liberal elites will face many problems. Reports are, already, coming in on radio talk shows with problems with products from Mexico. An electrician reported that one out of every 10 to 15 switches from Mexico fails which, almost, never happened when they were made in the USA. Another caller reported that televisions were sent for repair by the trailer truckload to a U.S. factory, since closed, the TV's were made in Mexico. Another caller told of auto parts that were made in Mexico that were so bad that he was spending more money to get parts made in the U.S.A. or Europe.

And what happens, when one of these Third World countries where the liberal elites are sending the factories has a revolution? Will the U.S. Government send troops? They, probably, will under UN command with orders not to harm the factories. Of course, by not damaging the factories, unnecessary lost of life will, probably1 occur. Of course, the draft dodgers in government could care less if American soldiers died needlessly. Then, what will happen when the factories are retaken, if not enough workers are in the area? Will the liberal elites use U.S. soldiers to work in the factories, while the soldiers are being paid by the U.S. Taxpayer, all in the name of national security? Couldn't you see the slogan, 'Join the Army and be the Sweatshop.' They would need a draft.

And, now, these "brilliant" businessmen, who, in many cases, give 25% or more of their factory to the bank that makes them the loan to move overseas, and then, they sell 51% of the factory to a local. This leaves them with just 24% of the factory and some sell the whole factory and just put their name on an import. Maybe, this is why, they get those 9 digit salaries.

Which brings us to values, in many cases, companies are selling assets and paying huge salaries based on the sales of these assets, but when these assets are gone, the company will collapse. Of course, the stockholders, the true owners of the company, will only get a fracture of their money, while the executives will have made billions. The failure will be one of trust. Far too often, business executives fail to understand that in a business other than a sole proprietorship that there is a trust involved and the money does not belong to the head of the company. Look at the savings & loans, the banks, and the Small Business Administration, many of the executives who got into trouble saw nothing wrong with spending depositors' money on themselves and their friends, after all it was good business, for them. Now, the government is going for the pension funds, at least, the ones not already in trouble. The government is planning to require the pension funds to invest in the intercity, bye-bye pension funds.

Many of the problems that America faces today are based on lack of basic values. Too much of the so-called "leadership" fails to understand right from wrong. The values when it comes to the liberal elite are whatever gives them pleasure, and they could care less about society.

Ask yourself this question, which is fairer and more just, a value system built and refined over millenniums or one built over a few decades by perverts.

We have liberal elites who call on the people to be tolerant of the murders and rapist and criminals and perverts of every sort, and someone who opposes them and seeks justice is called a "hater", and a group of justice seekers is called a "hate" group. Then, the government goes out and tries to control the law abiding citizens, while the criminals go on their merry way. The only citizens who need to be controlled in society are those who prove that they can not be trusted.

Our government has rejected Christian values and put in its place the principles of power and money. What may have happened in this nation is that too many of our best young men died on the battlefield and we have been left with draft dodgers. Who care only for themselves.

As minorities and Special interest groups push for more money and even to have scientific facts changed that they don't like, but more of the true facts are starting to come out.

And they call for increased immigration. We need increased immigration like we need another hole in the head. They come up here and get on welfare, and did you know that some of them drive their cars across the border every month to pickup their welfare check. Yes, drive. They come up here and don't fit in, work cheap while, probably, still getting welfare, and when they are here, they want to build a country just like the Third World disaster area which they are fleeing, with us supporting them. And our "beloved" liberal elite parasites believe that bring in parasite immigrants will strengthen them. It won't.

Far too often, these immigrants who come here don't have any skills to help our society. Instead, they live off our society, in the form of welfare and by taking the few jobs that they can perform, which in turn, forces true Americans to go jobless, or these immigrants make a living off crime. Did you know that one-forth of the Federal Prisoners are aliens? Also, these aliens may be given a job that they can't perform so that a business can make a quota. This makes the American work force work harder to make up for the immigrant, or the immigrant performs work they can't, creating an inferior product, like happens in Mexico. All this and they force wages down and take away our birthright. A birthright that our ancestors paid for with their blood and sweat. They are the ones who build this land with the sword, the hammer and the plow, and now, the liberal elites think that America should be given to aliens who's ancestors created nothing but filth, poverty, and death. What we, commonly, call the Third World.

I have pointed out many problems and there are many more faced by America today. But the question, now as always, arises, how do we deal with these problems? And I believe that the answer can be found by looking at the root of the problem. It's not the land. It's not things. It's people, especially, the liberal elites.

Look at how easy these problems could be solved. Look at crime, the criminals are being caught and then, set free to commit more crimes. What we need are judges who will deal with criminals, instead of punishing law-abiding citizens. As is called for in the Populist Party platform in the section entitled, "Crackdown on Crime." (Quote) "The Populist will remove all career criminals from the streets permanently. The corruption and criminality that is a Pervasive characteristic of government at all levels will end. High-level drug dealers will be executed. Criminals will no longer walk free because of loopholes in the legal system created by mush-brained liberals. Everyone has the right to be anywhere at any time of day and feel safe." (Unquote). The key to our crime problem is the "mush-brained liberals". We get these people out and the crime rates will fall. Look at the riots that we keep having, if they got out there with a few machine guns and open fire, the riots would end quickly, but the liberals only believe in the use of deadly force against Christians and Whites. If we were to change the people in government, we could free the political prisoners and jail the true criminals.

The next area that we looked at was the economy. The Populist Party platform on economic issues is to big to read, but it calls for the breaking up of the monopolies, price parity for family farmers,

doing away with the Federal Reserve System, "The Populist Party demands a balance budget1 along with repudiation of all present federal debt except that portion held by investors who have actually paid for government securities with money they have earned." They call for the repeal of NAFTA, the repeal of the income tax in favor of a national consumption tax, that's new to the platform, stopping the buying up of America, the Populist Party calls for "America for Americans, not foreigners!" The Populist Party calls for "...enacting tariff legislation to equalize cost at water's edge, thus creating millions of jobs for Americans." Personally, I don't think we should equalize the playing field, I believe that we should, do as the Japanese do, and build a cliff at water's edge and pour boiling water on anyone trying to import products into this country except raw materials we can't produce here. The Populist Party Platform calls for many other ways to deal with the economy, but they are too numerous to mention here.

The next area that we touched upon was "traditional values" to quote a small part of the Populist Party platform on this issue, "...a return to greatness by upholding and demanding a return to excellence and high moral standards in all spheres of life." "A return to greatness" that is what we can achieve if we return America to high moral standards. Contrary to the liberal elite view that diversity and tolerance made America great, in reality, it is likely that the exact opposite is true that intolerance of diversity and low moral standards made this nation great. Of course, as we get more and more retrogrades within the so-called "leadership" standards decline because these retrogrades are the perverts of society, the parasites, those who only want pleasure and can't see past today. Of course, all these aliens that the liberal elites bring into this land have different value systems than true Americans have. This could in time, lead to all sorts of problems.

Which brings us to our next area-immigration. The Populist Party platform says under immigration, "The United States is being overrun by both legal and illegal immigrants. The current wave of immigrants are transforming America into a Third World country, a process that will soon be irreversible if not halted. The first duty of any government is to safeguard its borders, and the Populist Party will halt the illegal immigration invasion, and limit all legal immigration to those from counties sharing our European, Christian roots."

Personally, I don't think it will be irreversible if we don't do something soon, just another very bloody race war for us to fight. But now, we can hire more border officers, send troops to the border and treat it like a combat zone. Put up barbed wire, mines, electric fences, guard towards, whatever it takes and use lethal force to keep them out because it is an invasion, and then send the border patrol to gather up the ones already in this country, then chain the illegals up and ship them home in chains with penalties for the offense of returning.

Why not the Republicans or Democrats? I decided to save this part of the platform to quote here, even though, it was under economic issues, "With all its resources and hard-working citizens, there is no reason our standard of living cannot once again rise, instead of decline, as it has been doing under Democrat and Republican rule." This leads us to the question, why have the Democrats and Republicans failed to solve this nations' problems? Maybe because of the people in them. Though, there are good individuals in the Republican and Democratic Parties, to often, they are loyal opposition to traitors. Loyal to traitors. The Republicans helped push the so-called "Crime Bill", "Brady Bill", "NAFTA", and "GATI"' through. They opposed good people in their own party who want to help America like: David Duke, Ralph Forbes, Thorn Robb and many others who when they sought to run on the Republican ticket, the Republican Party opposed them. They tried to remove them the ballot or defeat them in either the general or primary elections. If they prefer the other party, I don't think, there is any place in the establishment parties for us.

There are calls for the Republicans to move to the left from the beltway Republicans, at least, there were before the last election. They wanted to be more like the Democrats, and now that they prevailed in the last election, there are Congressmen trying to back out of their "Contract with America," especially, the part on term limits. These people clearly do not understand having to keep their word.

And locally in Arkansas, I have said that the Machine that runs Arkansas is a Republican Machine that runs the Democratic Party. Of course, true conservatives in both parties exist and fight to save America but they are meet by opposition from within their own party. Why? The answer is the Machine.

To regain America, we must bring our forces together and stop working as individuals, and work as a collect group. I believe that the best method to accomplish this task is via the Populist Party.

As was said by Populist Party National Chairman Don Wassall at the Party's 1993 National Convention in Chicago: (Quote) "'s the only way to unite a very fractured, very diverse, very independent-thinking group of people out there that's called the patriotic movement, or the right wing, or the nationalist movement, whatever.

Every person, every group, from single-issue organizations concerned with such issues as taxes, the Second Amendment, racial issues and others, should be free to pursue their own interest and build those organizations, but when it comes to politics, we've got to inculcate the mindset, when it comes to politics, hey, we all support the Populist Party. We all support the Populist Party. It's got to be that way no matter what other groups you're in or whatever else you're trying to accomplish in life.

If we want it to succeed, if we want it to be a political party, to challenge the power, we've all got to pitch in, and we've all got to work-at all different levels, local, state, and national, each level distinct and independent from the others, but a11 working together as one organic whole." (Unquote)

Unity, if we all work together we can regain America! And we do not do it for ourselves but for Generation "Y" and beyond. Today, we stand with no room for retreat or rest for behind us lies the depths of the cliff of chaos and before us lies the deaths of the tyranny of the "New World Order". Here, we must make our stand against the forces of tyranny and chaos.

With our unity and the cause of right on our side, we will prevail, and with our victory, we will usher in a new golden age for America. I left far to little time to tell you of the golden age that I foresee, but with the little time that I have left in this speech, I will give you a brief glimpse.

I see a time when people can walk the streets in safety, with the medical monopoly broken and as stated in the Populist Party platform, "Americans have the right to seek whatever treatments and remedies they choose when it comes to their health and that of their children." I see a time when the UN, the "New World Order," multiculturalism, and liberalism are just distant memories, people are free to choose whatever school they wish to send their children to, be it home schooling, Christian schooling or public school. I see an economy where the government prints its' own money and when you walk into a store for as far as the eye can see lay American-made products. I see a time when instead of a labor surplus there exist a labor shortage, where welfare is given to the few who are really unable to work, a time when wives and mothers do not have to work unless they choose to do so.

On the national defense front, I see a time as is called for in the Populist Party platform with "...a 600 ship two-ocean Navy, the development and deployment of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), and an all-volunteer, all-men military force instilled with a strong esprit de corps able and willing to defend our borders and vital interest." That's the American citizens vital interest, not the international bankers or one worlders vital interest. We believe that America should be protected from foreign attacks by the military and SDI, a system to destroy enemy missiles before they reach us and not leaving us vulnerable to outside attacks from foreign powers, especially, the one worlders.

What I have put forth to you today are the problems with America today, solutions to these problems, and the new golden age that we can create for America if we all pull together and support the Populist Party.

At present, a time of change is at hand. Change will come weather we do anything or not, and the "New World Order" will fall regardless of what we do or don't do, but if we fail to act either the forces of chaos or a foreign nation will destroy America, neither a good option for the American People. The one wonders will fall because they are challenging the forces of nature.

We all know that our cause is right and just, so we must come together, and I believe that the best way for us, the middle class, to come together to take action is via the Populist Party of America. The right is right, we are right that is the truth! If you wish to help regain American, help the Populist Party, so that we can regain America! Thank you.