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What's New?

Central Arkansas Chapter

Council of Conservative Citizens

P.O. Box 56653

Little Rock, AR 72215

5 May 2000

To Members of the C.C.C. and Others:

Our next meeting will be held on May 21st (Sunday) at 2:00 P.M. in the COMMUNITY ROOM of UNIVERSITY MALL in Little Rock. May 21st will be here before you know it, so please make a note of this meeting date.

Our speaker will be JOHN WINDSOR, chairman of the CONSTITUTION PARTY of Arkansas. The Constitution Party will be running Howard Phillips as its 2000 Presidential Candidate. The party has qualified for the Presidential ballot in Arkansas.

C.C.C. offers a forum for candidates and political parties, but the C.C.C. does not endorse either candidates or parties.

Anyone receiving this announcement is welcome to attend the meeting, even if not a member, and to bring guests.


Brent Nelson, Secretary

Arkansas C.C.C.

P.S. University Mall is located near the southwest corner of the intersection of Markham St. and University Avenue. The Community Room is located in the mall basement. The easiest way to get to the basement is to enter the mall from the entrance facing University Ave. The elevator leading to the basement is just inside this entrance. Any merchant in the mall should be able to give you further directions if needed.